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Diesel oh diesel

  YB Senator Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan, Menteri Kewangan II, mengumumkan pelaksanaan penyasaran subsidi diesel yang melibatkan penetapan harga runcit diesel mengikut harga pasaran, yang dilaksanakan serentak dengan bantuan bersasar untuk sektor logistik serta pengagihan bantuan tunai BUDI MADANI bermula Isnin, 10 Jun 2024. Kerajaan telah menetapkan harga runcit bahan api diesel pada RM3.35 seliter bermula pada jam 00:00 (12:00 tengah malam) pada hari Isnin, 10 Jun 2024 di stesen-stesen minyak seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. Harga runcit bahan api diesel di Sabah, Sarawak dan Labuan pula kekal pada RM2.15 seliter. Melalui pelaksanaan penyasaran subsidi diesel, Kerajaan menetapkan harga diesel kepada sektor sektor yang layak: Sistem Kawalan Diesel Bersubsidi (SKDS) 2.0 yang menggunakan kaedah fleet card bagi kenderaan logistik berkelayakan untuk membendung kesan terhadap harga barangan pengguna, ditetapkan pada harga RM2.15 seliter Sistem Kawalan Diesel Bersubsidi (SKDS) 1.0 bagi kende

A day to remember, a day to start new episode

Ayong,  your exam results weren’t what you hoped for, but please remember that this is only a temporary setback, not a permanent defeat. Exams are important, but they don’t define your worth or limit your potential to achieve your dreams. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill Take this moment as an opportunity to reflect on the experience and learn from it. Identify the areas that need improvement and seek help if needed. Remember, every successful person has faced challenges, but what made them succeed was their resilience and determination to rise above the obstacles. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome this. Setbacks can be the best teachers, and with each lesson, you grow stronger and wiser. Your dreams are valid and achievable. With hard work, dedication, and a positive mindset, you will come back stronger and ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way. Stay focused, stay motivated, and let